Receives any parameter as an argument as long as it is a { key: value } or array of { key: value }.
For simple queries:
constexample=awaitthis.examplesRepository.findBy( { where: { id:123 } }, trx,);// Find one where id = 123
For queries composed of more than one condition:
constexample=awaitthis.examplesRepository.findBy( { where: { id:123, name:"example" } }, trx,);// Find one where id = 123 AND name = "example"
For queries composed of one condition or another:
constexample=awaitthis.examplesRepository.findBy( { where: [ { id:123 }, { name:"example" }, ], }, trx,);/** Find one where id = 123 OR name = "example" * You also can use a mapper to make your work easier and cleaner * There will be an introduction about them right under the standard queries introduction */
In addition, it can be passed as array of string keys of relations that you want to load and the fields you want to select:
constselect= { name:true }constexample=awaitthis.examplesRepository.findBy( { where: { id:123 }, relations: ["relation-1","relation-2"],// or { "relation-1": true, "relation-2": true } select, }, trx,);// Find one where id = 123 and load related relation-1 and relation-2 entities